The Most Common DIY Mistakes Homeowners Make During Remodeling

Before you begin remodeling, take a look at some of the most common DIY mistakes and how to avoid making them yourself. 

Not Budgeting Correctly

This is the most important consideration to make. Setting unrealistic expectations can set you up for higher costs in the end. This includes splurging where it’s not necessary, while neglecting important things, such as infrastructure. Sitting down with a professional and discussing this can help you determine a realistic budget for your project, while also letting you know where to pad it just a bit if you run into anything unexpected. 

You don’t want to find yourself in a position where you have to cut corners on the important things. Opting for low-quality materials just to save money can end up costing you big time in the end. 


Not Expecting the Unexpected

Even simple DIY projects will have hiccups. It’s just the nature of the beast. It could be that materials don’t arrive when they should or there’s mold growth you didn’t know about. These things can add time to your project timeline and/or mean spending more money than you thought you would. Plan for these things by allowing wiggle-room within your budget and timeframes. This will lessen your stress and create a smoother DIY process. 


Too On Trend

Trends are terrific and fun, but when you go too literal with them in a remodel it can be a big mistake. Not only can they fizzle fast for you, but they also make your home harder to sell in the future. Sprinkling a few trendy pieces throughout ensures a space you can continue to love or modify easily over time, while not breaking the bank. 


Spending Too Much

This is less about going over budget and more about making huge changes that can have lasting consequences. If you’re creating something that makes your home stick out like a sore thumb in the neighborhood, it can make it very difficult to sell.  Take your neighborhood and its overall vibe into consideration when designing your remodel. If what you want is completely outside of that scope, perhaps purchasing a new home that’s more fitting is a better choice. 


Neglecting the Important Stuff

Yes, new countertops and floors are great, but they’re pretty useless if you fail to fix the faulty plumbing behind them. You have to go to the bones of the home first and work your way out from there. A new bathroom doesn’t mean much if you don’t address the water and mold damage first. We know this isn’t the fun part of remodeling, but you’ll feel much better knowing that your home is safe and dry first. 


Not Securing Permits 

This is not only an issue for you, it can also impact everyone who lives in the house after you. It could even impact the sale of your home alongside future remodels. This can be tricky, but it’s very important that it’s done correctly. 


The Bottom Line

If you’re just itching to do a DIY remodel, make sure you do your homework first. Take the necessary steps to keep you and your family safe, and hire a professional when and where necessary. If you need quality recommendations or have any questions on selling your home, give me a call today!


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